Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Blue Whale in India

Representative image 

Let us first understand: What is Blue Whale ???
It is a game to be played after one gets registered with the blue whale "Administrator"

How do you get into it ???
You get into it by following a link ? means; neither it is an app nor a game to be downloaded. Unfortunately, the link is made available on many Whattsapp groups here in India.

How does it proceed ???
You get couple of easy tasks to furnish first. Surprisingly, most of the tasks are performed only after 2.00 AM; post mid night. So, make sure your kids dont lock up into their rooms these days in the nights.
Normally, it starts with sharing few personal information first (with the administrator); phone number, e-mail ids, facebook/twitter account details etc. It is here that the game takes a serious turn; either from the shared information or the prevalence of digital foot print of an individual; the administrator takes a firm grip of the player.

All this is possible for me to put it across; mainly due to a 22-year old youngster from Karaikal, Puducherry who escaped during the last 3-stages and was bold enough to narrate each and every step as he started feeling "entrapped".

The youngster narrated it as a "Virtual trap", no matter how hard you try to come out; it will just be impossible. As per the victim, even the adventure seekers will be mentally tortured and may succumb to these tricksters. There is also an element of black mailing; once the player shares his/her details; the ADMINISTRATOR have all the information; that could be sensitive pictures of the player or many other weak links to his activities or it could be the details of relatives and even pets; in one of the case a player was threaten with a blood stains all around its pet dog. We also learned (today) that the girl from Jodhpur, Rajasthan made a second attempt to kill herself (with sleeping pills) after a failed attempt of jumping into a lake in the outskirts of the town, claiming that if she doesnt performs this task; her mother's life will be in danger. Though starts as a point to prove an individuals capacity to face challenges... such as a. watching horror movies during mid night, b. taking selfie in a grave yard, c. inflicting  wounds on your body by a razor blade every step accomplished to be shared with the administrator........ it ends up with a fatal jump at the fag end.

Who are at risk ???
Youngsters in 12-20 years; though in India, we have found as old as 28-falling prey to it. Experts also believe that especially those children who feel alone in their tiny sphere of life, the ones who feel neglected; also those who are always ready to take challenges (adventures seekers).

As has been reported... there are 50-challenges to be accomplished; as one gets closer; the last 3-challenges are very close to taking their own lives. Fortunately, for the family members, it is at least at these last few challenges as the victims become too disillusioned and starts keeping to themselves away from others; also as one can notice some inflicted wounds on their body... the family will have their best chances to rescue the "hopeless" kid. As happened in the Puducherry case, where the brother of the victim noticed these traumatic changes in his brother and fortunately it was just at the last challenge at 4.00 am that he was rescued with the help of local police.

How fortunate you are.... my dear (in Puducherry).... you have paved the way to help many others taking this ugly, meaningless, cowardly challenge designed by a sick person some where in Russia.... Come on.... my dear kids wake up... you are all dissidents of a very strong and pleasant group of humanity where our ancestors have taught only to share love and peace..... not to kill yourselves.....